The Book Discussion Group meets at Basilico's at Harrison Road location on the first Thursday of the month. A list of books we will be reading is distributed at the beginning of the year and our members read them at their leisure. We try to choose a variety of topics which lead to lively discussions.
The Couples Group was formed in 2007 to provide an opportunity for husbands to participate in an activity and get to know each other. We usually get together once a month and have done a variety of activities. Among the things we have done are: First Night Fredericksburg, Big Band and other events at UMW followed by dinner, game night at a members house, wine tastings at local wineries and Graves Mountain Apple Harvest Festival.
Our Craft Group meets on the third Thursday of every other month at 10 AM. The group meets at The Ruritan Club building on Rt 3. Crafters are charged a nominal fee for supplies. Some examples of our crafts are wreathes, alcohol ink tiles and decoupage plates.
The Dine and Dish special interest group is basically an excuse to eat lunch and socialize with fellow Newcomers and Old Friends under the pretext of "reviewing" the restaurant. These ratings are published in the club's newsletter. We try to avoid "chain" restaurants and have stayed fairly close to the Fredericksburg area.
The Games Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month. Members can bring any game they choose to play.
The Garden Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. The meetings are held in members' homes.
Participation in the group does not require active gardening, only a desire for gardening knowledge. We have talks on various gardening topics given by outside speakers as well as informal presentations by members. Field trips and plant exchanges are other activities for the group.
Hands-on group provides members with opportunities for volunteering in the community at various charitable, non- profit organizations, for example, regional Food Bank, Salem Church Library, the regional Library Administration Center, Thurman-Brisben Homeless Shelter, Empowerhouse, Rikki's Refuge Thrift Shop.
The Lunch Bunch meets at noon on the first Friday of the month. The lunches are casual pot luck with a theme. This is a fun group for people who enjoy cooking, sharing recipes, and socializing.
The Lunch and Movie group meets the second Tuesday of the month. The group has lunch together and then sees a movie at a nearby theater. An email is sent to the group the Thursday before stating the venues and times.
Needlework meets on the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held at Basilico's on Harrison Road. All types of needlework are represented: knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, cross stitch, even just sewing on a button. All are welcome.
Day trips are the purpose of the Safari Group. We visit museums, mansions, shopping, eating and any other places of interest that can be found. A bus is usually used for farther afield trips, but mostly carpools are used. The basic purpose of the Safari Group is having fun.
Walkers meet twice a month. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
We walk locally and at times will walk an area that might be an hour drive away. We will car pool to these areas. We usually walk about 3 miles each time. These are not hikes, just walks. Most times, those who choose, go to lunch afterwards and at times we pack a picnic lunch.
Everyone is welcome.
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